
Orion is a monk master, a clumsy guy and loves to learn~


About me

I love to RP and gpose, always open to collabs and to talk about FFXIV.Learn more about orion here ~>


Born as Aura Raen, he became an orphan as a child, only to be soon adopted and raised with love by a gay couple of Xaellas. Life in the clan was harsh and filled with prejudice, and he quickly learned to follow rules and lower his head to others. However, as soon as he completed his coming-of-age ceremony, the young man ran away in hopes of building his own independence.His life wasn't easy, but he encountered good people who taught him to fight and protect himself. A Lalafael master agreed to teach Orion, and after overcoming the ignoble training, he opened his chakras, eventually earning the title of monk master after a couple of years.Inheriting an old martial arts dojo (along with all its bills) from his Master Bakura, Orion decided to share his knowledge of Rhaelgar fists and enhance his skills.Missing his fathers and eager to prove his prowess to the tribe, Orion returned to participate in a fighting ceremony. However, a mix-up with a potion transformed him from an Aura into a Viera. Swiftly returning to Gridania after this transformation, he searches for any information about his biological family. He discovers a blood connection with a Sharlayan writer and a strong samurai heir from a powerful family in Hingashi. Orion is very shy and self-centered, making him a man who is hard to understand.


Curious and clumpsy, Orion has a more selfcentered personality. Shy by nature the man can open himself when comfortable or curious over something, but becomes distant as soon as he feels out of place.Friends are the world for him, and can fight for them. Anyone nice to him can lower his shields.


extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganised / organised / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / situational
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken/ reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between



Name: Orion
Age: 23
Race: Raen (born), Viera (actual)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pan
Affection: Romantic and Poly
Alignment: Neutral Good
Marital Status: Single
Server: Primal - Lamia (GMT-3 Timezone)


Hair: Long strong black
Eyes: Blue (blind on his left)
Height: 6′1″
Build: Strong, slimfit
Distinguishing Marks: Left eye is blind, scars on his hands and fingers
Common Accessories: Colorfull garnments, small jewelery and many body paints.


Profession: Teacher of martial arts and meditation
Hobbies: Sabor diferent foods, and exotic drinks
Languages: Common Eorzean, Xaelic, Raenic (native)
Residence: Gridania
Birthplace: ???
Fears: Lalafels and being alone


. commonThe title of Drunk Monk Master provides him an infamous word around bars and duelists, the man becames unpredictable on his moviments and the looseness of his tongue, since can be very sharp when speaking his mind to those around.His patience and calm can tranquilize those around him, he is emphatic, loves to help whoever is in need, even if this becomes a problem on the future, he never learn, his patience is due his meditation and is a good meditation teacher.Owner of the Sunflower Dojo in Gridania with his friend Anna, the two teach and practice while work around to pay all the bills his lalafell master Bakura gifted him with the house.Changed into a Viera, he originally was a Raen, but after a trip he returned diferent, was a shock for those around and the neightbors, many people expeculated how, but only his close friends know.. uncommonSeeker of tales, any tale, he loves to hear stories and used to teach kids back on his Xaella clan, he knows a lot about their costumes and seek knew knowledge or good stories, can be easily drag away with a good tale. He is a good singer, but never sing unless alone or drunk.Hardshell, after suffering prejudice for most of his life, he hides a lot of his emotions under a smile, the trick is to see his eyes and if they follow, he has some dificulty to really trust someone or open himself.After his trainment with Bakura, he became more self aware of small creatures or lalafells, he fears for his life while around one.. rareWas sexually abused by the tribe, it made him very aware of any kind of intimacy, to get dive into a relationship is necessary to build confidence and be comfortable around the person.Not as optimist, he acts as if nothing hurts him, but behind his smiles he hides, there is a man that had his hopes crushed many times and feel extremly alone.He uses his mother's surname, the name G'ythai was the same of a famous scientist from Sharlayan, her many books about flora and fauna of Eorzea and the far west can be found among those who liked a good detailed work.. very rareConnection with the Wu family, a powerful and very honorable family in Hingashi with connections at the bakufo, some tell he is the grandson of one of the house's patriarch.. unkownThe princess of the seven tides personally knows Orion, no one knows of their relationship, they keep it a secret for everyone.


Orion story told in the format of comics, they are posted on bird/letter app.


List of houses and apartaments made by me, some are friend's places.I can accept commissions, just send a msg